Having a home media center is really handy. It can do a ton of things besides just storing and playing your movies and TV series. You can also use them as network-accessible storage or an automated backup system or can even set them up as emulators to play vintage arcade games. The really amazing thing is that you can automate some tasks that you didn't even know wanted to be automated. In this article, we will explore one such automated workflow.
Force Janitor to work with your upgraded Kodi installation
Janitor is an addon for Kodi that will automatically scan your library for watched movies, TV show episodes and music videos based on criteria such as age, rating or free disk space. I set it up to delete what we already saw after 2 days except if it is in a protected folder. It is a great tool to free up disk space on your device, but if you upgrade to a version of Kodi that is not supported, it will be disabled and you will have to delete stuff manually again.
How to fix Kodi black screen after upgrading to a new version
Just had this happen to me. I didn't really watch what I was doing and issued the "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" command which for some weird reason removed Kodi from my system. After reinstalling it with "sudo apt-get install kodi" all I got was a black screen instead of the Kodi user interface.