With the release of Ubuntu 21.04, official support for fractional scaling was announced. I decided to do a fresh install on my desktop system to check out solely this feature. To speed up the post-install configuration phase and to score an easy blog post, I made a list of the software I use every day.
Disable ads in Viber on Windows
Out of nowhere, Viber started displaying ads at the bottom of the contact list of the Viber window. I understand that Viber must make a living, but in my case the ads covered one third of the contact list and this really frustrated me. Luckily it turns out you can disable these ads without any side effects...
Software selection for Windows 10 in Q1 2018
From time to time I make a list of all the software I'm regularly using, so if I ever have to reinstall my computer I can do it really fast with a list in my hand. In this post I compiled the list for Windows 10 for January of 2018.