Installing a website as a standalone app from Google Chrome can provide several benefits, especially when using frequently visited sites like Spotify. By installing Spotify as a standalone app, you can easily access the site without the need to open a new browser window or navigate to the site manually each time. You can just click on it's icon in your desktop environment's app section and you can even pin the app to your taskbar for convenient access.
How to turn off website notifications in Chrome on Android for good
Are you tired of receiving constant pop-up notifications from websites on your Android device, especially those fake warnings and scams? Do you have elderly relatives who get anxious about all the notifications and fall victim to scams? Fear not, this guide will show you how to turn off website notifications in Chrome on Android for good.
Skipping YouTube ads in Chrome, Firefox, and Android
Ads are pretty annoying when you just want to look up something really quick on Youtube. Not as if they aren't annoying all the time, but when you are looking up instructions on CPR, you definitely don't need a long advertisement on hamburgers.
Revive an old laptop with Chrome OS
If you have been using computers for a few decades, there is a good chance that you too have a few old desktop and laptop computers collecting dust in your house. They are too old to use and have little value, so selling them is not a worthwile endevour. You can't even give them to family members as even they find them lacking in power. Have you tried to use a 10 year old laptop with Windows 10? Not fun... Wouldn't it be nice if you could magically make the old hardware more powerful?
Use these 3 Chrome extensions to enhance your Google Meet experience
Working at home instead of the office did not decrease the number of meetings I attend. It might have even increased them a little as I can't just turn to the guy next to me with my questions. The company where I work uses Google Meet for internal and external communication. It works pretty well, but with a few extensions you can make the experience even better.
Additional tools for the project manager in 2020 for maximum productivity
Even if you are stuck in the home office during the pandemic, you need to be super organized if you want to be a successful project manager. Not only it is a must to know everything about your projects, but you also have to be accurate and fast when retrieving and processing data to earn the trust of your boss, coworkers and clients.
Chrome extensions for Q2 2020
I always used a lot of extensions with Google Chrome to tailor it to my liking and to streamline my workflow. This was especially true when I was working as a web developer as I needed a lot of tools that are otherwise completely unnecessary for everyday use. Let's see what I still use in May 2020.