Working at home instead of the office did not decrease the number of meetings I attend. It might have even increased them a little as I can’t just turn to the guy next to me with my questions. The company where I work uses Google Meet for internal and external communication. It works pretty well, but with a few extensions you can make the experience even better.
Google Meet Grid View (fix)

This plugin replaces the default grid view of Google Meet to show all participants, including yourself. It is extremely useful to see and understand everyone better in your group and it is also great to be able to check up on yourself from time to time to better represent yourself.
Note: There was a previous version of this plugin, but after some Meet updates it didn’t work properly anymore. This one currently does.
Google Meet Push to Talk

It is common courtesy to mute yourself in an online meeting when you are not talking for a while. This is due to a lot of people having low-quality microphones or just trying to avoid contributing with the noise of their surroundings to others.
This plugin helps by allowing you to stay muted until you press down on the space bar to talk. When you lift your finger you are muted again.
Note: When the chat panel is open, pressing space does not unmute you.
Google Meet Call Timer

In a previous post I already mentioned Google Meet Call Timer which adds a timer to the call to see how long it has been going on. Why this is not present in the vanilla software is a mystery to me.